DuckDuckGo’s search engine market share is around 0.42%.
According to DuckDuckGo traffic stats, they are serving on average 47 million searches per day but still their overall market share is constantly below 0.5%.
Unlike what most people believe, DuckDuckGo does not have a search index of their own (like Google and Bing) but they generate their search results using a variety of sources.
In other words, they don’t have their own data but they depend on other sources (like Yelp, Bing, Yahoo, StackOverflow) to provide answers to users’ questions.
This is a big limitation compared to Google that has a set of algorithms to determine the best results from all the websites available on the Internet.
On the positive side, DuckDuck Go has a clean interface, it does not track users and it is not fully loaded with ads.